Annual English Fest Celebrated

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Annual English Fest Celebrated

On May 11, 2023, Alif International School celebrated its annual English festival with the theme “Learn a new language and get a new soul”. The festival was not limited to a one-day event, as the school’s rooms and corridors were adorned in a festive mood throughout the entire week.

The highlight of the festival was the massive programme held at the school’s auditorium where around 300 students participated in various events including story-telling, show and tell, spell bee, story writing, elocution, calligraphy, poem recitation, essay writing, action song, and pick and tell. The students showcased their literary talents with great enthusiasm, and the winners were jubilant while the losers were disappointed.

The Principal, Mr. Abdul Majeed, ignited the students with his speech during the culmination day on May 11. The event was graced by the presence of Mr. Lukman Pazhur the Executive Director of Alif group of schools. The day was filled with a plethora of presentations by the students, especially the finalists, who showcased their creative work in the English language.

The English Fest week ended with an exhibition of excellent and creative work by the Alifians, providing the students with a great opportunity to showcase their literary skills and understand where they stand in terms of language and skills.

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